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151,000 Frequencies on Resonant Console 3

World's Most Powerful Wellness Programs at Your Fingertips

Fully Compatible

The Resonant Console can be used with any Qi Coils, Aura Coils and Resonant Wands systems.

Over 151,000 Frequencies

The Resonant Console 3 (Inner Circle) includes 9 Starter, 34 Master, 150 Quantum Frequencies, 137 Higher Quantum Frequencies, 57 Inner Circle Frequencies and thousands of Rife Frequencies.

Proprietary Software

The Resonant Console Software is not available in iTunes or Android stores. We automatically update the app ensuring that you will always have the latest version.

Fully Customizable

The Resonant Wave Console lets you create your very own frequency programs, allowing you to optimize your needs and protocols.

Instantly Transform Every Cell in Your Body With Natural Harmonics and Frequencies...

Help your body regain homeostasis, restoring it's natural ability to cope with the things negatively impacting the quality of your life. The Resonant Wave Console will get you back to being you!

The Most Frequencies You'll Ever Find on One Device

Each frequency has a unique effect, meaning and a place of resonant origin... 

From nature, harmonic music scales, sacred temple dimensions, or the planets and cosmos.

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Unlock Ancient Wisdom of the Universe

Enhance your intuition
Amplify your manifesting power
Tap into your creativity, insight and vision

Quantum Frequencies:

The Resonant Console includes frequencies programmed based on the mysteries of nature and the universe. Sound of the Sun, True Phi, Brainwave Balancing, and Infinities are all based on ancient cultural or cosmic resonance. We are currently developing more frequencies based on sacred sites and ancient temples around the world!

Sound of the Sun and the 9 Planets

We found that the formula for calculating electric frequencies from nature is taking the speed of light "C" divided by the wavelength.

Taking data from NASA on the wavelength of the frequency produced by each planet, we calculated the frequency bands for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

We saw that the frequencies for each planet fit into the 5 major human brainwave states. While the brain produces all 5 bands all the time, different bands are accentuated during different activities. These precisely designed frequencies within those bands have tremendous benefits for the user.

Using the same mathematic methods of calculation for the Sun and stars, for sacred temples and sacred sites is what makes the power of our frequencies new, exciting and like no other.

Ancient Frequency Bands

Using Infitinites Plus Frequencies not only brightens the human aura or magnetic field, but it amplifies any intention you send out for healing while you are inside of the resonant field. Pineal Gland Activation frequencies, on the other hand, cover a comprehensive band of Ascension Tones For Consciousness Expansion frequencies spanning all human brainwaves.

Frequencies of infinite ratios open up the cells to receive energy when they have been closed down due to a number of potential environmental stressors.

The Pineal Gland Activation frequencies are very useful in going back to trauma and releasing the negative energy around that trauma for healing and forgiving to move onwards.

Take your mind to the final frontier
Stretch the limits of your brain and your consciousness

Enhance all your senses and experiences

How the Resonant Console Works

The Resonant Console connects to a power source, which is connected to an electromagnetic device such as our Qi Coils, Aura Coils and Resonant Wands. When a frequency is played on the REsonant console, the power source amplifies the signal and sends it as an electromagnetic field energy to the person.


And So Much More!

Join Thousands Of Others Who
Transformed Their Lives

Want to learn more?

We're here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.

+1 (888) 649-2898



¹  Disclaimer: None of the information provided on this site or on this page-including information provided in any videos or reviews expressed by individuals or other third parties- is intended to communicate any medical information, and no products or devices described are natural health products or medical devices. For a full summary of the intended use of any products sold on this site, as well as more clarity on why none of our products are to be used for health related or medical purposes, (especially not as medical devices or health products), please carefully read through all of our disclaimers listed over. To read all of our full disclaimers click here.

* Video Disclaimer: Thank you for watching our video. Please note that all the information and views provided in this video is not to be construed as advice, and such information constitutes only the opinion of the presenter or individual expressing or communicating the information. We (being Resonant Wave Technology) do not endorse, vouch for or encourage any of the opinions or views of those presenting information in this video, and such views belong only to those making them. Furthermore, we do not endorse or assert the reliability, accuracy, fitness for any purpose or truth of any information, products, services or statements shown in our video, and we expect that you, the viewer, will make a researched, personally informed and independent evaluation as to the truthfulness of any information presented in this video. Do also note that any device described in this video is not a medical device under any circumstances unless explicitly stated. Therefore, any such devices shown in our video are not displayed to cure, treat or remedy any health condition or illness. For any matters related to your health, do ensure that you consult your doctor for proper diagnoses and treatment. Any consumable products displayed in this video are also not regulated or approved by any regulatory agency, and therefore you should fully research the nature and contents of such products, as well as their regulated status in the region you reside, before taking any decision to obtain, use or purchase such products.

Hack Your Mind and Explore New Horizons

Quantum Frequencies

Higher Quantum Frequencies

Inner Circle Frequencies

Choose Your System

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And So Much More!

$2,995 $1,995


Resonant Console 2

  • Quantum Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 150 Abundance Frequencies ($1,221 Value)
    • 595 Quantum Frequencies ($3,363 Value)
  • Rife Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 10,000 Exhaustive Rife Frequency Collection ($1,995 Value)
  • Samsung Galaxy Portable Personal Tablet 8" 32GB ($199 Value)
  • TOTAL VALUE: $11,690.00


Starter Pack $97 Value
Exhaustive Rife Frequency Collection $1,995 Value
Master Collection $679 Value
Complete Quantum Collection $3,363 Value
Complete Higher Quantum Collection $1,995 Value
Inner Circle Exclusive Frequencies and Lifetime Membership $1,997 Value

Abundance Frequencies Bundle

$4,995 $3,995


Resonant Console 3

  • Quantum Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 150 Abundance Frequencies ($1,221 Value)
    • 595 Quantum Frequencies ($3,363 Value)
    • 133 Higher Quantum Frequencies ($4,334 Value)
  • Rife Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 10,000 Exhaustive Rife Frequency Collection ($1,995 Value)
  • Samsung Galaxy Portable Personal Tablet 8" 32GB ($199 Value)
  • TOTAL VALUE: $13,685.00

Higher Quantum 

$6,995 $5,995


Resonant Console 4

  • Quantum Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 9 Starter Frequencies ($97 Value)
    • 34 Master Frequencies ($679 Value)
    • 150 Abundance Frequencies ($1,221 Value)
    • 595 Quantum Frequencies ($3,363 Value)
    • 133 Higher Quantum Frequencies ($4,334 Value)
    • 57 Exclusive Inner Circle Frequencies ($1,997 Value)
  • Rife Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 10,000 Exhaustive Rife Frequency Collection ($1,995 Value)
  • Samsung Galaxy Portable Personal Tablet 8" 32GB ($199 Value)
  • TOTAL VALUE: $15,682.00

Inner Circle

The Most Wellness Frequencies You'll Ever Find on One Device

Each frequency has a unique effect, meaning and a place of resonance origin... 

From nature, harmonic music scales, sacred temple dimensions, or the planets and cosmos.

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The Most Frequencies You'll Ever Find on One Device

Each frequency has a unique effect, meaning and a place of resonant origin... 

From nature, harmonic music scales, sacred temple dimensions, or the planets and cosmos.

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And So Much More!


Rife Frequencies

Quantum Frequencies

Higher Quantum Frequencies

Inner Circle Frequencies

Scientifically proven frequencies that help you experience the highest levels of meditation.

What Are Higher Quantum Frequencies?

They are the next level of frequencies, that harness the power of 4 dimensions. 

  • Rife Frequencies are single frequencies (1 dimension)
  • Binaural beats are 2 frequencies (2 dimensions)
  • Quantum Frequencies are multiple frequencies (3 dimensions)
  • Higher Quantum Frequencies are dynamic layers of fields of intention (4 dimensions)

Exact frequencies Dr. Royal Rife originally created

Powerful Audio Frequencies That Contain Mathematical Representations of States of Consciousness. Emotions and Physical Well Being

Exclusive Frequencies For Manifesting and Attracting Abundance

Exhaustive Rife Frequency Collection
Complete Quantum Collection
Complete Higher Quantum Collection
Inner Circle Exclusive Frequencies and Lifetime Membership
  Order Now Order Now Order Now Apply Now

$1,995 $995


Resonant Console 1

  • Quantum Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 150 Abundance Frequencies ($1,221 Value)
    • 595 Quantum Frequencies ($3,363 Value)
  • Rife Frequency App ($497 Value)
    • 10,000 Exhaustive Rife Frequency Collection ($1,995 Value)
  • Samsung Galaxy Portable Personal Tablet 8" 32GB ($199 Value)
  • TOTAL VALUE: $10,696.00
